AW: CCPP Implementation

Hello Alan,

> Von: Alan Ng []
> digest fixed? Any place where i can get the Base64
> coding in C/C++?

Perhaps a Java implementation helps as well. You will
find one within the Jigsaw Server from W3C.

> When we encode the CC/PP
> descriptions, do we need to include "\n" or is
> everything in a long sequence?

It is my understanding that you have to omit all CR, LF
within the CC/PP description, following the Profile-Diff
header (see. 5.2.2 in CCPPex).

When you transmit CR,LF in your CC/PP description e.g.
in Jigsaw, it will not work (at least, when you have 
a CRLF in the first line  of your description, starting 
with Profile-Diff-1:).
> 2. When we append the complete profile, at which part
> should we put in the CR/LF?
> For example:
> GET /example.htm HTTP/1.1 (CR/LF)
> Opt: "";
> ns=19 (should we put CRLF here?)

Yes. Seems to work.
> 19-Profile: "",
> "1-sldknaevsxlskngaedqadf==" (should we put CRLF
> here?)

Yes. Seems to work.

> Lastly, for the profile diff header value, should CRLF
> be appended at the end (after </RDF>) or after each
> line?

I think it should be appended at the end only. Jigsaw filters
some CRLF within the CC/PP description. But it has problems
with a CRLF in the first line of the Profile-Diff header.

Peter Vogel. 

Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2001 11:24:36 UTC