Cellular phone networks in US, Europe and Japan - what data rates ?

Hi !

I wonder why the wireless interent is so popular in Japan, why in the US 
everybody talks about and in Europe it is not very popular but almost 
everybody owns a cell phone ?!?

I know that one reason in Europe are the costs. It is still a connection
based charging and users pay every second they are online. In Japan I
think it is a packet switched network and so the users pay for the
amount of transfered data ?!

In Europe you can only get 9.2 kbit/s with GSM and up tp 43 kbit/s using
HSCSD - bu then it is even more expensive.

How is this in the US and in Japan. What are the current availble data
rates and the costs ?

Frank Steuer
for public PGP-key: finger -l steuer@ece.orst.edu

Received on Tuesday, 7 November 2000 01:01:29 UTC