To build on what Scott said in his messages, you can take
a product like Cocoon or our product (Digital Plastic,
very much like regular XSLT, but "better", of course :-)
and create templates for each desired class of device.
You create one set of XML content and make sure that the
tags surrounding the content that's "important" for
a particular device are matched in you template for
that device.

When formulating your XML content, keep in mind that
you will probably break something in the future if you
put any device-specific markup (read: presentation
markup) inside your XML content.  Also keep in mind that,
since desktop browsers and WAP phones (for example) have
very different patterns of user interaction and display
capabilities, you might want to make your XML content
more granular than traditional HTML pages.  That way
you can easily grab a few small chunks of data for phones
yet still put together many chunks for desktop browser

If you can use it, this mode of operation usually is
a lot better than trying to take existing HTML, strip
it down, and add back in markup specific to a particular
device.  If you MUST work with HTML as your source,
then either you need to try to match patterns of tags
around the important content (and extract what lies
within those bounds) or you need to insert extra,
special tags that you can detect right around the
content of interest.

Hope this helps.

-- Rob Sears

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Scott Priddy
Sent: Friday, May 19, 2000 10:23 AM
To: Nyo Maw;
Subject: RE: XML-WML

Have you looked at using XSLT? Apache's Xalan is a good start...

-Scott Priddy

> Is there anybody who know about automatic transforming 
> by filtering some portion. ?? How can I define as which part is
> imporatnt in the XML document and how can I extract ( only 
> imporatnat )
> conent and create as WML.
> If  somebody know about it  pls let me know!!
> Best regards to all
> Nyo Maw

Received on Friday, 19 May 2000 13:56:03 UTC