Re: WAP Competitors ?

You know what, all these movements actually make me wonder about the
long term validity of WAP. 

I heard some rumours about NTT DoCoMo thinking of expanding to the US,
and maybe Europe, and personally if they released a phone here on GSM,
which could talk to other networks, but had the capabilites that they
have in Japan (Nice article in the economist about 3 weeks ago about
this), then it would be a no-brainer to buy one. 

To the consumers, it doesn't matter about the underlying technology, as
long the killer apps are there... and I think that all these
technologies, and alliances around, and regarding WAP, the whole market
is becoming so blurred...

hmmmm... sorry about the rant.... I just realised that its actually not
a W3C issue... 



Ashok GUPTA wrote:
> The Mobile Wireless Internet Forum is a new development
> which could grow to become an alternative to WAP.
> With founder members such as Nokia, Ericsson, Motorola, NEC,
> IBM, Microsoft, Orange, DDI, Vodaphone Air Touch, Qualcomm,
> Sprint, 3Com, Cisco, Sun, Sony, etc etc it brings together a
> very wide range of interests - mobile handset and handheld
> manufacturers, telcos, consumer electronics, etc ...
> The development of a common IP based reference architecture,
> and promotion of a common IP core will, through open specifications
> enable the development of an infrastructure suited to integration
> of mobile telephony and IP, and new 3G services.
> Checkout
> Ashok Gupta
> --
> Dept. Of Computer Science
> University College London
> In message <>, Sandeep Hundal writes:
> >
> >Are there any alternatives to WAP ?
> >
> >Out of interest...
> >
> >
> >Sandeep
> >

Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2000 11:27:59 UTC