Re: Mathml


I'm a bit disappointed too. The flavors of Unix that I have access to are not covered yet by Amaya, and I also have PowerMac platforms under my desks.  But I do understand that porting something to the Mac can be far from easy, and that it is still early days for development in the MathML context, and even for the World Wide Web.  We just have to wait and work on the bits we ourselves can handle.  Thanks for your innterst in math on the Web.

Good luck to you, and to us all,

	Patrick Ion  (W3C Math WG co-chair)

P.S. Or we can succumb and acquire additional hardware, as I am in fact about to do.

At 9:12 PM -0400 5/31/98, Gayle Bartholomew wrote:
>I am very interested in your new "Amaya" Browser/web author. But I can't
>use it. You have downloads for windows and unix, but no power macintosh
>downloads. I'm a little disappointed. Please hurry and create a download
>for my platform.
>		--Gayle

Received on Monday, 1 June 1998 10:47:20 UTC