Reminder: MathML meeting on Thursday

 We meet on Thursday at: 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern,7pm Central European

The regulars for this group should have the meeting details in their
calendars. For everyone else, the details can be found on the members-only
W3C Math WG calendar

We again start with a few old items to see if there are updates. We have a
long agenda and it is highly unlikely we will get more than halfway

1. Announcements/Updates/Progress reports

2. # <>181: MathML 4 extensions for
alignment and possible deprecation of <maligngroup/>
<> (updates?)
3. #385: comments on chapter 3 <>
(updates/new thoughts on how to handle examples?)
4. #279 (core) Clarify the language around deprecated features of MathML
<> (updates)
5. #525: Equation Number <>s (any
new ideas on how to move forward?)
6. #526:Core concepts: re-organize trig/log functions?
7: #120: <>Remove/deprecate/simplify
the ms element <> (both core and
full -- where are we on this?)
8. #433: include (or not) a sample-set of default conversion from
plain-MathML to MathML-with-intent
<> (discuss need for "Common" for
"intent-default") -- any progress?
9. #523: Missing property to indicate needed grouping?
10. Anyone willing to take on some spec or code writing tasks?

Received on Wednesday, 19 February 2025 19:01:07 UTC