- From: Neil Soiffer <soiffer@alum.mit.edu>
- Date: Sun, 2 Feb 2025 14:37:10 -0800
- To: "www-math@w3.org" <www-math@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAESRWkDm3+J97cJ_fFJrAbMyvu8xQgYBsJhNoKmJ1ynenac-iw@mail.gmail.com>
Attendees: - Neil Soiffer - Louis Maher - David Carlisle - Bert Bos - Brian Kardell - Murray Sargent - Deyan Ginev - Paul Libbrecht - Moritz Schubotz - Bruce Miller - Patrick Ion <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-regrets> Regrets <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-action-items>Action Items <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-1-announcements-updates-progress-reports>1. Announcements/Updates/Progress reports *Action Item:* BM: I just wanted to report a minor progress item. I had an action item to add a code PIN example on the subject of situations where we should get stretchiness, where we currently don't in core. So I added a codepen link to the issue under MathML core How is inline stretch size constraint determined? #270 <https://github.com/w3c/mathml-core/issues/270>. I invite people to give me their opinions on these codepens. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-2-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-issues-181-181-mathml-4-extensions-for-alignment-and-possible-deprecation-of-maligngroup-and-malignmark-a->2. #181: MathML 4 extensions for alignment and possible deprecation of (maligngroup/) and (malignmark/) <https://github.com/w3c/mathml/issues/181> (updates?) No updates. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-3-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-issues-482-482-intent-for-large-operators-a->3. #482: Intent for large operators <https://github.com/w3c/mathml/issues/482> (last chance unless someone re-opens the issue?) *Resolution:* The large operator property will be called "largeop". <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-4-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-issues-385-385-comments-on-chapter-3-a->4. #385: comments on chapter 3 <https://github.com/w3c/mathml/issues/385> (new thoughts on how to handle examples?) No updates. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-5-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-core-issues-279-279-core-clarify-the-language-around-deprecated-features-of-mathml-a->5 #279 (core) Clarify the language around deprecated features of MathML <https://github.com/w3c/mathml-core/issues/279> *Action Item:* NS suggests that we try to implement some of the items in issue 279 across browsers. *Action Item:* NS will copy the list in 279 into a comment in 279, and everyone can look at the list and make comments on every item on which they have an opinion. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-0-agenda> Agenda <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-1-1-announcements-updates-progress-reports>1. Announcements/Updates/Progress reports BK said that the plan discussed in the core meeting of January 27, 2025, concerning MathML full, to take a look at what should be deprecated, or listed as experimental, had been agreed upon. We will discuss this today in issue #279 (core) Clarify the language around deprecated features of MathML <https://github.com/w3c/mathml-core/issues/279>. PL: Mphantom will be removed by the sanitizer. NS: Well, there are 2 points. One is, nobody uses the sanitizer at the moment, and it's not clear it will get used, and 2 if they do use it on a site like Github, they could turn off the sanitizer defaults. NS: If mathML were declared to be special, then the sanitizer would eliminate it. DC: Interpreting a PDF Structure Tree as XML <https://github.com/latex3/tagging-project/discussions/789> generates xml from pdf. DC: So this is uploading a Pdf, and it generates the internal tag structure which includes in these examples, math, and MathML. DC: The Pdf structure tree is an annotated tree. So it's a bit like Xml. But it's sort of completely different. In particular, the attributes are structured so they're far more like Xml elements than Xml attributes that can have a string. So you have to model them somehow. And it's not specified what you're supposed to do. So yes, I've made something up. You have to make something up for all attributes. *Action Item:* BM: I just wanted to report a minor progress item. I had an action item to add a code PIN example on the subject of situations where we should get stretchiness, where we currently don't in core. So I added a codepen link to the issue under MathML core How is inline stretch size constraint determined? #270 <https://github.com/w3c/mathml-core/issues/270>. I invite people to give me their opinions on these codepens. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-1-2-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-issues-181-181-mathml-4-extensions-for-alignment-and-possible-deprecation-of-maligngroup-and-malignmark-a->2. #181: MathML 4 extensions for alignment and possible deprecation of (maligngroup/) and (malignmark/) <https://github.com/w3c/mathml/issues/181> (updates?) No updates. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-1-3-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-issues-482-482-intent-for-large-operators-a->3. #482: Intent for large operators <https://github.com/w3c/mathml/issues/482> (last chance unless someone re-opens the issue?) *Resolution:* The large operator property will be called "largeop". Mus: I can say what my program is currently doing. I had to distinguish between largeOP and large OP. Expression, because I have the concept of largeOP Expression, which is the whole thing, whereas the operator itself is just a single character, and I need to distinguish between the two. MuS: When I approach an integral by moving character by character, and I come up with an integral expression, I say, integral expression. I actually look at the character inside the integral expression which is in an mrow with an intent. And so I look inside there, and I find out what the character is. And then I have a dictionary that says how to say that character, and so I say that character followed by the word expression. And then, as I navigate into this expression, which is an mrow and I run into the actual symbol, which is the 1st child, and I speak it. And so, if I had, the integral from 0 to infinity or something or other, I'd at the beginning, at the at the Mrow, I would say integral expression, and then I go integral, so that you know there's a difference between the two. From Deyan Ginev to everyone: ... continues to look much cleaner to me. Need to get back to the aliasing issue at some point and alias properties. BM prefers using mrows. NS: So you prefer that the largeop property goes on the integral sign and not the operand of the integral? MuS: Yes. MuS: I have done a minor redefinition, because I have an mrow concept for things like integral expressions, functions, and mfences. I think it is important for speech and typography. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-1-4-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-issues-385-385-comments-on-chapter-3-a->4. #385: comments on chapter 3 <https://github.com/w3c/mathml/issues/385> (new thoughts on how to handle examples?) NS: What are we going to do with all the examples? NS: Incompatible browsers make polyfills not work. Do we revert to images? DC was going to see how they look currently. No updates. <https://sandbox.cryptpad.info/code/inner.html?ver=2024.12.0-1#cp-md-1-5-a-href-https-github-com-w3c-mathml-core-issues-279-279-core-clarify-the-language-around-deprecated-features-of-mathml-a->5 #279 (core) Clarify the language around deprecated features of MathML <https://github.com/w3c/mathml-core/issues/279> In issue #279, NS Writes: There are really two related specs (core and full), but MDN doesn't seem to have a way to deal with that: "deprecated" and "experimental" don't fully make sense in this situation. As an example, mfrac.numalign is very much in MathML full, but not in MathML core because one can (in theory) use CSS to do the alignment. CSS support is not fully implemented in Firefox and Safari. Additionally, it is not clear how CSS will interact with the math layout rules which has its own "math inline" and "math block" rules. Because of these two things, many people felt that maybe some additional text is needed for many of the items to clarify the core/full difference and explain the limitations. As per the 30 Jan Math WG meeting, issue #279 is a workspace for people to add their thoughts about how each item should be classified. Two options are "deprecated" and "experimental". The meeting consensus was that there may need to be other options. In issue #279, captainbrosset wrote: These remaining MathML features are all marked as deprecated by BCD (browser compatible data)) <https://github.com/mdn/browser-compat-data> (the data source that MDN uses for compatibles).) DC: For some of them, We need to clarify about polyfills. The MDN. It is mostly aimed at authors. So if it's deprecating, it's saying you shouldn't use them. DC: So the question is, should somebody be generating MathML using mfence which is full of polyfills but not in core. NS: We want people to generate core when possible. DG: In MathML3 we did not have core and full like we do in MathML4. We could say that items, in full but not core, are experimental. BM: It could be a problem on the MDM side not being able to distinguish full from core. NS: There are things in HTML that are called presentational hints. They're widely used, but not supposed to be used. NS: Display style is one, and math color was another. NS: Math color must be a value that is a color. In that case the user agent is expected to treat these attributes as a presentational hint, setting the elements, color, and background properties to the corresponding values. BM: Presentational hint, in general, applies to many of the things that got emitted from core, but not everything. BM: We need words to describe something that is in full but not core. BM: In any case, I wouldn't categorize mfence as a presentational hint. That seems kind of stretching too far. NS: Not sure what MDN does with presentational hints. MUS: MDN has math color deprecated. MUS wants this fixed. DG: MDN is web facing and thinks that things should be deprecated if they are not used on the web. NS: We basically have these 3 options. They're in there. They're experimental, or they're deprecated. We need to go through the list and decide on each element. DG: So there's this gray zone where it's not yet deprecated. It's not yet experimental. We're thinking about it. We really don't have anything to say about them in MDN that's productive. NS: Numalign is useful but probably will never be added to core. Numalign aligns numerators, and that could be done with CSS. Mus: Mathcolor works fine in all browsers. It should not be deprecated. The core spec says it should be deprecated which causes MDN to say it should be deprecated. Ns: MDN is about the web and not about Word. BM: We tend to look at MathML core as a new subset, whereas from a web or MDN viewpoint, core is a replacement for MathML3. From Deyan Ginev to everyone: MDN annotation language is described here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/MDN/Writing_guidelines/Experimental_deprecated_obsolete NS: Let us go down the list and talk about them. Put them into categories: 1. It's in there. 2. As experimental. 3. It's in there as deprecated. 4. It's in there, in this new mode, that we maybe want to have a paragraph that says, not in core, but in full. Use CSS, when in the web context and use this when you're out of the web context. list with comments - mathml.elements.maction NS: It actually accepts action type and selection. It does not define any behavior and just treats it as an mrow element. It's in core but ignored. DC: Deprecate, it does not do anything. NS and DC: It provides a place for someone to hang their JavaScript off of. DG: So I would argue, it's also not experimental, because there's no desire for anybody to add custom JavaScript, or behavior carrying elements. DG: So it's probably more deprecated than it is experimental. But yes, it's not either of those. NS: This is one of our new categories: needs MDN change not deprecation. DG: So you have both the hope and the intention that this will land in the web platform natively one day. DC: I think we can't decide on the 1st one. We should maybe look at something else. - mathml.elements.maction.actiontype - mathml.elements.maction.actiontype.toggle - mathml.elements.maction.selection - mathml.elements.mfenced - mathml.elements.mfrac.denomalign NS: We can align the numerator and denominator: left, center, or right. Because you can do this with CSS numalign and denomalign are not part of core. These are presentational things. They are not attributes. NS: I do not know how well implemented they are. DC: It is not easy to do with CSS. DG: It would be great if we treated CSS Support as experimental. Actually, in the MDN. Terminology and MathML, plus CSS as experimental. *Action Item:* NS suggests that we try to implement some of the items in issue 279 across browsers. DG: Given limited time and limited people, it would be much nicer to spend our efforts, getting CSS. Support to work perfectly and be tested rather than fighting for attribute names. NS: So, in some sense, I'd say this, this would be what the spec calls a presentational hint. NS: How do we proceed? *Action Item:* NS will copy the list in 279 into a comment in 279, and everyone can look at the list and make comments on every item on which they have an opinion. - mathml.elements.mfrac.linethickness.named_spaces - mathml.elements.mfrac.linethickness.nonzero_unitless_values - mathml.elements.mfrac.linethickness.thin_medium_thick - mathml.elements.mfrac.numalign - mathml.elements.mfrac.numalign - mathml.elements.mmultiscripts.subscriptshift - mathml.elements.mmultiscripts.superscriptshift - mathml.elements.mo.named_spaces - mathml.elements.mo.nonzero_unitless_values - mathml.elements.mpadded.named_spaces - mathml.elements.mpadded.nonzero_unitless_values - mathml.elements.mpadded.pseudo_units - mathml.elements.mpadded.scale_factor - mathml.elements.mspace.named_spaces - mathml.elements.mstyle.background - mathml.elements.mstyle.color - mathml.elements.mstyle.fontsize - mathml.elements.mstyle.fontstyle - mathml.elements.mstyle.fontweight - mathml.elements.msub.subscriptshift - mathml.elements.msubsup.subscriptshift - mathml.elements.msubsup.superscriptshift - mathml.elements.msup.superscriptshift - mathml.elements.mtable.width.named_spaces - mathml.elements.semantics.advanced_visible_child_selection - mathml.global_attributes.mathbackground - mathml.global_attributes.mathcolor - mathml.global_attributes.mathsize - mathml.global_attributes.mathsize.named_spaces - mathml.global_attributes.mathsize.nonzero_unitless_values - mathml.global_attributes.mathsize.small_normal_big end list
Received on Sunday, 2 February 2025 22:37:31 UTC