Re: [EXTERNAL] Interpretation of DisplayOperatorMinHeight parameter from the MATH table

On 25/02/2023 10:38, Frédéric Wang wrote:
> WebKit, Gecko and XeTeX all use that algorithm but in addition force 
> displayOperatorMinHeight to be at least f times the height of the base 
> glyph. More precisely, XeTeX uses f=5/4, WebKit uses f=√2 and Gecko 
> uses f=√2 in general but f=2 for integrals. This is an easy tweak, 
> with the minor issue that the spec would need to define integrals if 
> we follow Gecko's approach (per your explanation that seems to be what 
> LineServices requires too). The tweaked displayOperatorMinHeight become:
> - max(2500, 5/4 * 1862) ≈ 2500
> - max(2500, √2 * 1862) ≈ 2633
> - max(2500, 5/4 * 2218) ≈ 2772
> - max(2500, √2 * 2218) ≈ 3137
> - max(2500, 2 * 2218) = 4436
> and XeTeX, Gecko, WebKit would continue to pick summation.vsize2 for 
> the summation but now correctly select integral.vsize2 for the integral.

correction: Gecko selects integral.vsize3!

Frédéric Wang

Received on Saturday, 25 February 2023 09:51:37 UTC