Re: Minutes: MathML Full Meeting, 13 April, 2023

Thanks Neil for inviting us to the meeting and thanks to the group for a productive meeting. I would like to make a couple of clarifications in the minutes. Where it says:

Ag: Apple is interested in intent. This is why we are here. Intent needs to be a flexible mechanism that allows customization to the presentation to the AT end user, depending on the user’s needs and preferences.

My complete statement is:

AG: We are interested in learning more about the ideas around the intent attribute and how it can improve the user experience. Intent needs to be a flexible mechanism that allows customization to the presentation to the AT end user, depending on the user’s needs and preferences

Where it says:

AG: We tried to provide context to the translators. Math is a special problem.
AG: I'm not saying that we are doing this at the moment, or we would need to give context for different types of mathematical constructs.

The correct transcription is:

AG: We strive to provide enough context to the translators. Math is a special problem. We would need to give context for different types of mathematical constructs.

Best regards,

Received on Wednesday, 19 April 2023 15:55:33 UTC