Reminder: MathML Intent meeting on Thursday

 We meet at our standard time on Thursday, 10am Pacific, 1pm Eastern, 7pm
Central European Time.

The meeting details were sent to the W3C members-only "member-math" mailing
list <>
for the group. The regulars for this group should have the meeting details
in their calendars.

1. Announcements/Updates
2. Detailed look at "core" level intent names
table of additions/deletions

No one suggested a topic or volunteered a presentation this week. So I'm
volunteering the topic of a detailed look at core intent names to make the
discussions we have had for the last two weeks more concrete.

Deyan has done an amazing job of assembling these names from watching more
Khan academy videos than probably the rest of us put together have watched
in our entire lifetimes! Nonetheless, I don't think I'm going out on a limb
in speculating that Deyan feels this list is not perfect.

To get everyone engaged in the call and to make sure people have given a
little thought to the list, we will do an "around the table" where *I'll
ask everyone to give a list of at least three names (and no more than six)
that should be added to or deleted from the list*. Could be a small group
on Thursday :-) All joking aside, I think people will have a lot of good
ideas and we should have some interesting conversations.

Although I linked the intent page above, here it is again:


Received on Thursday, 10 February 2022 03:58:04 UTC