Minutes: MathML intent meeting 14 October

MathML WG Weekly Meeting
14 October 2021            IRC log.

The original minutes are at:


Bert, bkardell_, Deyan, LouisM, murrays, NeilS, pdfion, Sam, SteveNoble
Neil Soiffer

NS: Announcements/updates

NS: Some links that might be useful:
Gap Analysis Doc<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fw3c.github.io%2Fmathml-docs%2Fgap-analysis%2F&data=04%7C01%7C%7C00cf332b10ed4ef6c49008d98e7349f4%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637697448079249966%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=z5I2AE%2FD1WZZ2ZMIyGilpaffC4PzkwP3nCKDjkcgBvo%3D&reserved=0>
TPAC breakout sessions<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fweb-eur.cvent.com%2Fevent%2F2b77fe3d-2536-467d-b71b-969b2e6419b5%2FwebsitePage%3Aefc4b117-4ea4-4be5-97b4-c521ce3a06db&data=04%7C01%7C%7C00cf332b10ed4ef6c49008d98e7349f4%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637697448079249966%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=m%2FGmsn7gqeLCCjqkwX3dV6fbbBie5bkONoInH375FnM%3D&reserved=0>
TPAC registration<https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.w3.org%2F2021%2F10%2FTPAC%2F%23participation&data=04%7C01%7C%7C00cf332b10ed4ef6c49008d98e7349f4%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C637697448079259928%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=jHblW2EvLXM5%2FBuLL%2Fk%2FI0wmrzoBw2IeMj3WY37rqd4%3D&reserved=0>

<DavidF> [present+]

<polx> +polx

NS: Our TPAC meeting is on Monday, at  8 AM pacific time.

NS: next directions for voice and the web 8 AM PT Wednesday.

NS: On Thursday there is a session on writing polyfils

NS: Brian is on adventures in open collective. 4 PM

PL: There is a presentation, about a project called fugu, on Thursday, Oct. 21, at 5 PM PT.

NS: The Gap Analysis document has been released.

NS: It is seventeen pages long.

BB: After you register and try to join the session, you get a token in an email. It takes time to get the token.

NS: How do we connect to a session?

BB: Tried to demonstrate the process. The zoom links were not visible.

LM: The links may not be visible until five minutes before the session.

NS: TPAC Breakout Planning

NS: spend 15 minutes on the gap analysis.

NS: The rest of the time is open to the floor.

PL: We may focus on examples for people who did not read the document in advance.

NS: will give the opening presentation.

LM: Suggested the initial talk concentrate on Intent.

NS: Our goal is to get feedback from the audience.

BM: If there is silence after the initial talk, come up with ways to prompt the audience to comment.

BM: The WG members should ask questions to start the conversation.

NS: Action: Everyone should prepare a question to start a discussion with the audience.

PL: Can we get the slides before the meeting?

NS: Will try to send them on Saturday.

BK: Address the question of how the tree will be exposed.

NS: will mention this at the beginning of the session.

LM: Where do the minutes go?

BB: BK: send the minutes to GitHub.

NS: Is there a W3C slide format?

BB: There is, but we are not required to use it.

The slide format is at:
<Bert> https://www.w3.org/2021/Talks/TPAC/Templates/

Louis Maher
Phone: 713-444-7838
E-mail: ljmaher03@outlook.com

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2021 18:33:04 UTC