Minutes: MathML 4 meeting 27 Math, 2021


   - Bert Bos
   - David Carlisle
   - Sam Dooley
   - David Farmer
   - Deyan Ginev
   - Paul Libbrecht
   - Louis Maher
   - Bruce Miller
   - Steve Noble
   - Murray Sargent
   - Cary Supalo
   - Neil Soiffer
   - Moritz Schubotz
   - Christopher Comninel
   - Brian Kardell


   - Laurence Zaysser

Thanks to Louis for once again taking notes.

PL: has submitted an accessibility bug report for CryptPad.

LM: How do we store the minutes?

NS: We will have one CryptPad file to write the minutes, and NS: will then
send the minutes to email.
other announcements


   DG: HackMD replied in 10 days with new support for real-deal MathML
   markup in their editor, which now gets preserved into the HTML preview.
   Impressive! This means one can now write TeX equations and see them
   rendered via mathjax OR MathML directly (with the intent attributes added

   DG: We learned how to put math in CryptPad during the meeting - a
   "triple backtick mathjax" annotation

   BB: A colleague of mine mentioned another shared editor:
   https://demo.hedgedoc.org/features because it supports math (via
   MathJax) and graphviz for diagrams. Don’t know about its a11y.

   BB: … and if we want to use IRC again: IRC can now put math in minutes
   as well. BB added latexml to RRSAgent/scribe.perl :-)

Review charter and make plans

We will review the charter and look at the non-core work we promised to do
(the core sub working group will look at the core parts), update thoughts
on those, and figure out when and who will be working on the parts that
need work

NS: reviewed our deliverables in the charter. He suggested people to handle
the deliverables.

NS: We will not consider core issues. A separate group will handle that.

NS: We must right tests for our features that we introduce.

NS: Do we port older tests for our intent features?
Deliverables (from spec)


   MathML Spec first WD (Oct 2021)[Neil, David C, Bruce]

   Test suites and implementation reports for the specification. (PL may

   Analysis of mathematical notation usage in world-wide writing systems,
   including but not limited to non-LTR writing systems. (PL may help, DG can
   help with cyrillic languages, Moritz Statistics from Wikipedia)

   MathML Accessibility Technique Notes. [Steve, Neil, Murray, Chris, Cary]

   Guides on annotating Presentation MathML for accessibility and search.
   [Steve, Neil, Murray, Chris, Cary]

   A living catalog for annotations beyond those defined in a MathML 4
   recommendation. [DG, Moritz]

   Sample code that converts default "intent" values to explicit "intent"
   values in Presentation MathML. [SD, DG, Neil]

   At least one TeX-to-MathML converter that incorporates
   accessibility/searchability annotations in its MathML output. [DF, DG,

   Code to convert Content MathML to Presentation MathML with accessibility
   and searchability annotations. [SD, DC, Moritz]

   Sample code for conversion of annotated Presentation MathML to an
   external form such as speech and/or Content MathML. [SD, DG, Neil, Murray,

NS: DC: and PL: discussed adding clipboard applications.

NS: no action items for us except to talk to browser producers.

PL: should liaising with other groups be in the charter?

BM: perhaps we should not change the spec until we find out why the
browsers have not implemented the clipboard?

PL: and BC: may have this discussion with browser writers.

NS: discuss first draft of spec for MathML 4. Revise spec 3. Consider
eliminating informational chapters from spec 3.

NS: discussed structure of github. Set up a W3C branch in github for

DC: reviewed the current github MathML structure.

NS: has sent out several WG recruiting emails.

NS: move our spec-like things to the W3C branch of  github . DC: is not in
favor of this because history might be lost. DC: will do the github design.

BB: there is a tool that collects issues from working groups to look for
open issues. He will investigate this tool.

NS: we will postpone this decision for a week.

NS: asks people to add their names to the minutes to work on the
Note on using cryptpad for math
Paul: Math formulæ in Cryptpad code?
Display math can be entered by typing

See the Markdown guide of Cryptpad
(lots of other features are there).

Received on Friday, 28 May 2021 20:30:26 UTC