Re: Is MathML really Dangerous?

"Schubotz, Moritz" <> writes:

> I have the feeling to give a reasonable answer to the
> question "is ASCII dangerous":


> ...
> If you expose MathML to browsers that might not even know
> what MathML is, they might freak out.

For MathML in HTML5, If the browser is following the spec
but not supporting MathML (which is permitted in the spec),
it's likely not to render MathML in a useful way, but it's
not going to freak out.

If the MathML is incorrect -- for example, missing </mrow>
tags are not uncommmon in serious content --, its rendering
will likely not be useful.

On the other hand for MathML in web-served XML, any failure
of XML conformance, as with all XML, will cause the browser
to quit rendering the page, as has been the case since the
dawn of XML in browsers (given that the browser initially
classified the page as XML rather than as quirky HTML).

                                    -- Bill

William F Hammond

Received on Saturday, 5 December 2015 18:26:34 UTC