Re: Update to unicode.xml

On 7/3/14 9:31 AM, David Carlisle wrote:
> On 03/07/2014 13:49, Patrick Ion wrote:
>> I would urge you to change the "nameless" <latex> entries to a
>> 'set="latex-historical">' at least so as not to lose the record of
>> where people may have got their authoritative info
> yes but then I should fix them to be right (not with obvious typos
> such as
> Frédéric  reported:-)
> Ok will do something like that...
> David
The trouble is that, in some sense, it's useful to know what the
long persistent typo was---at least sometimes.  Essentially that's
why I'm advocating keeping the historical, and maybe superseded,
information about, but clearly labelled.  The correction presumably
follows implicitly if one uses a good 'current' set as basis in an
application.  That's what 'good current' is supposed to mean
and a motivation for developers keeping up-to-date.


P.S.  You may recollect that it was clear that the early SGML
names from a report by American publishers, that went on
into ISO12083, could be seen to be lifted without attribution
from casual advertising of TeX names put out by the AMS
because they reproduced the typos in that list.

Received on Thursday, 3 July 2014 13:50:12 UTC