Fwd: [mathjax-dev] Requesting feedback about usefulness of MathML

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	[mathjax-dev] Requesting feedback about usefulness of MathML
Date: 	Sun, 5 May 2013 10:18:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: 	Benoit Jacob <jacob.benoit.1@gmail.com>
Reply-To: 	mathjax-dev@googlegroups.com
To: 	mathjax-dev@googlegroups.com

Dear MathJax community:

There is a conversation at the moment on a Mozilla mailing list 
regarding the usefulness of MathML:


Feedback from MathJax experts on this topic would be very valuable.

In particular on this question: is MathJax rendering any worse, or is 
there any other kind of degradation, on browsers without MathML support?


Received on Tuesday, 7 May 2013 14:54:08 UTC