Re: unitless lengths in mpadded attributes

>> FYI, Mozilla only implements the unitless "0" (and maybe "+0" and "-0")
>> but this has recently be removed to align on the MathML3 spec.
> For all lengths, or just for mpadded?
> Thanks for your comments;
> bruce 
Mozilla supports unitless for all length attributes and treats it as a 
multiple of the default (although it is not clear whether determining 
the "default" is well implemented). For mpadded, Mozilla allows unitless 
only for "0". The code contains these comments:

     // also cater for the edge case of "0" for which the unit is optional

       // no explicit CSS unit and no explicit pseudo-unit...
       // In this case, the MathML REC suggests taking ems for
       // h-unit (width, lspace) or exs for v-unit (height, depth).
       // Here, however, we explicitly request authors to specify
       // the unit. This is more in line with the CSS REC (and
       // it allows keeping the code simpler...)

In Firefox 15 (nightly build), the case "0" is now removed.

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2012 09:08:47 UTC