Styles of using p-MathML

I used the MathType, Math+Magic, and Formulator equation editors to
render this as MathML:

$$ \hat G^{(T)} = \frac{1}{T} \sum_{t=m+1}^{T} \pi^t $$

Below is the slightly cleaned-up code from each. They seem to represent
quite different ideas of how things should be done. The different
versions render the same in most environments I have tried, so I would
lean toward using the simplest markup, like Formulator. In what
situations would I want to use heavier markup like Math+Magic?

<math display='block' xmlns=''>
    <mo stretchy='true'>&circ;</mo>
    <mo stretchy='false'>(</mo>
    <mo stretchy='false'>)</mo>
<math display="block" xmlns="">
   <mover accent='true'>
    <mo stretchy='false'>(</mo>
    <mo stretchy='false'>)</mo>
  <mstyle displaystyle='true'>

<math display="block" xmlns="">
  <mstyle mathcolor="#000000" mathsize="12.0pt">
     <mi mathvariant="italic">G</mi>
     <mo accent="true">&#x005E;</mo>
     <mi mathsize="50.0%">(</mi>
     <mi mathsize="50.0%" mathvariant="italic">T</mi>
     <mi mathsize="50.0%">)</mi>
    <mi mathvariant="italic">T</mi>
     <mi mathsize="50.0%" mathvariant="italic">t</mi>
     <mo mathsize="50.0%">=</mo>
     <mi mathsize="50.0%" mathvariant="italic">m</mi>
     <mo mathsize="50.0%">+</mo>
     <mn mathsize="50.0%">1</mn>
    <mi mathsize="50.0%" mathvariant="italic">T</mi>
    <mo mathvariant="italic">&#x03C0;</mo>
    <mi mathsize="50.0%" mathvariant="italic">t</mi>

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Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2012 23:55:20 UTC