Re: mstyle schema issues

   1) The deprecated attributes for named math spaces should be
   allowed on mstyle.

ah, I added the role="attributes" markup to the soure of the deprecated
mstyle attribute table so that the schema extractor saw these
attributes, and then some minor fixes to the xsl to make them come in
the right place.

   2) The model for the 'groupalign' attribute on mstyle should
   match the one from mtable/mtr, not the one from mtd/maligngroup.

modified schema extractor

   3) The model for the 'rowalign' attribute on mstyle/mtable should
   use 'verticalalign+' instead of 'verticalalign*', as in the text.

modified schema extractor

The sources are updated as shown below, and internal and public copy of schema is


$ cvs commit -m "mstyle attributes (sam's issues)" presentation-markup.xml schema.xsl
Checking in presentation-markup.xml;
/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/presentation-markup.xml,v  <--  presentation-markup.xml
new revision: 1.285; previous revision: 1.284
Checking in schema.xsl;
/w3ccvs/WWW/Math/Group/spec/xml/schema.xsl,v  <--  schema.xsl
new revision: 1.64; previous revision: 1.63

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Received on Thursday, 29 October 2009 23:24:24 UTC