[MathML3-last-call] clarification of inline math

In MathML 2, the discussion of the display attribute
on the math element was inwardly directed, addressing
primarily how displaystyle and scriptlevel were affected;
it did not explicitly address how the math element
should be treated when embedded in another document,
such as (x)html.  In MathML 3, this is only slightly

I propose the following clarification, from
Michael Kohlhase, be added:
   'Inline math elements should be treated exactly as if
    they were a sequence of words in normal text.
    In particular, this applies to spacing and
    linebreaking: for instance, there should not be
    spaces or line breaks be between inline-math
    and an immediately following punctuation mark.'


Received on Thursday, 22 October 2009 15:04:09 UTC