- From: Jean-Yves Marion <Jean-Yves.Marion@loria.fr>
- Date: Thu, 21 May 2009 22:25:24 +0200
- To: Jean-Yves Marion <Jean-Yves.Marion@loria.fr>
OVERVIEW The conference is designed to bring together experts from industry, academia, and government to present and discuss the latest advances and discoveries in the field malicious and unwanted software, the techniques, economics and legal issues behind their use, and the methods to detect and control them. IMPORTANT DATES Submissions due: June 14th, 2009 23:59:59 EST Notification of acceptance: July 26th 2009 Final papers due: August 16th, 2009 TOPICS The organizers solicit original contributions addressing the issues facing the anti-malware community: (1) Case studies based on recent malware events, describing large-scale responses strategies used, tools and techniques employed, quantitative measurements used and their interpretation,... (2) Traditional research contributions of a theoretical nature (including modeling, simulations,...) or of a more practical nature (including in- vitro laboratory experiments, tool and technique development,...) Contributions of both types, case studies and research, addressing one of following non-exclusive list of topics are equally welcome: - Infection vectors: - Malware detection worms, virus, spam - Vulnerability prevention - Information theft: - Malware economy spyware, rootkits - Phishing and frauds - Botnets: analysis + economics - Human aspects: propagation - Collection methodologies: - Forensics and law enforcement Honeypots, Honeyclients - Malware analysis and - Case studies: reverse-engineering analysis and measurements - Arms race: - National and international laws malware vs. anti-malware SUBMISSION Submitted manuscripts must have at least 10-point font size, and should not exceed 8 single-spaced pages in length, including the abstract, figures, and references, formatted in two columns. Only original papers, unpublished or submitted for publication, can be submitted. All submissions will be reviewed by experts. PUBLICATION Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings (paper and CD) that will be included in the IEEE Xplore digital library. Two extra pages (10 pages) would be allowed for an extra charge. Thus, the IEEE Templates for Conference Proceedings will have to be used for the final version. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Computer Virology, published by Springer. These extended papers will undergo a separate review process. GENERAL CHAIR Fernando C. Colon Osorio Wireless Systems Security Lab TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS JosČ Fernandez Ecole Polytechnique de MontrČal Jose Nazario Arbor Networks PROGRAM COMMITTEE Saeed Abu-Nimeh Websense Security Labs John Aycock University of Calgary Eric Filiol Ecole superieure et d'application des transmissions Jason Geffner Next Generation Security Software Vitaly Kamluk Kaspersky Lab Christopher Kruegel UC Santa Barbara Arun Lakhotia University of Louisiana at Lafayette Jean-Yves Marion Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Lorraine Charles Miller Security Evaluator Phil Porras SRI International Jean-Marc Robert Ecole de technologie superieure Anil Somayaji Carleton University Shambhu Upadhyaya SUNY Buffalo Thomas Vinoo McAfee Avert Labs Vinod Yagneswaran SRI International Bojan Zdrnja University of Auckland Cliff Zou University of Central Florida LOCAL ARRANGEMENT CO-CHAIRS JosČ Fernandez Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal Jean-Marc Robert Ecole de technologie superieure PUBLICITY CO-CHAIRS Industrial: Pierre-Marc Bureau ESET Academic: Jean-Yves Marion Ecole Nationale Polytechnique de Lorraine SPONSORSHIP The 4th International Conference on Malicious Software and Unwanted Software (MALWARE ķ09) is held with technical sponsorship from IEEE. For more information and instructions go to http://isiom.wssrl.org
Received on Friday, 22 May 2009 06:13:47 UTC