Re: mathvariant vs. plane 1

Le 25-juin-09 à 18:31, Bruce Miller a écrit :
> [...] So, for something like LaTeXML, I would have
> to map some combinations of mathvariant + letter
> to plane-1, but other random combinations to
> places in plane-0 blocks.
> For search indexing, you'd likely need to do the
> reverse, since people will expect a W to match
> a W in any mathvariant or plane-1 block.

Could this be considered yet another requirement to be addressed In  
It's probably too late but the fact that you quote the search-engine's  
analyzers as yet another place where it would be impacted really makes  
me feel it would be worth to strengthen that paragraph.

Do you have that table in LaTeXML (the "random hidden tweaks"?) ?


Received on Friday, 26 June 2009 09:05:04 UTC