Last CFP: DML 2009--Towards a Digital Mathematics Library, Ontario, CA, Jul 8-9th

Last Call for papers: Towards a Digital Mathematics Library (DML 2009)
July 8-9th, 2009, Ontario, CA c/o CICM 2009


Deadlines: April 29th: abstract submissions 
           May 4th: paper submissions 
           May 22nd: paper acceptance/rejection decision
           May 29th: versions for the proceedings due
           Jul 8th: workshop date, proceedings on site

Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty, 
potential impact for building DML, and clarity. Final paper versions should
conform to the Springer LNCS (llncs class) style, preferably using LaTeX2e.

Submission categories:
Full paper: 4-12 LNCS pages
Short paper/poster/work in progress report: 1-4 LNCS pages 

Mathematicians dream of a digital archive containing all peer-reviewed 
mathematical literature ever published, properly linked and 
validated/verified. It is estimated that the entire corpus of mathematical 
knowledge published over the centuries does not exceed 100,000,000 
pages, an amount easily manageable by current information technologies.

The workshop's objectives are to formulate the strategy and goals of 
a global mathematical digital library and to summarize the current 
successes and failures of ongoing technologies and related projects, 
asking such questions as:
# What technologies, standards, algorithms and formats should be used
  and what metadata should be shared?
# What business models are suitable for publishers of mathematical
  literature, authors and funders of their projects and institutions?
# Is there a model of sustainable, interoperable, and extensible 
  mathematical library that mathematicians can use in their everyday work?
# What is the best practice for
    * retrodigitized mathematics (from images via OCR to MathML and/or TeX);
    * retro-born-digital mathematics (from existing electronic copy in
      DVI, PS or PDF to MathML and/or TeX);
    * born-digital mathematics (how to make needed metadata and file formats
      available as a side effect of publishing workflow [CEDRAM/Euclid model])?

will be published by Masaryk University and will be available on site,
with best papers chosen for postconference proceedings published
by renowned publisher or for journal.

Keynote (conditioned by funding approval):
David Ruddy (Project Euclid, Cornell University Library, US): Getting
from Here to There: Assembling the Pieces of the Digital Mathematics Library
(tentative title)

(include, but are not limited to)
  o search, indexing and retrieval of mathematical documents
  o ranking of mathematical papers, similarity of mathematical documents
  o math OCR with MathML/TeX output
  o document conversions from/to MathML, OpenMath, LaTeX,
    PostScript and [tagged] PDF
  o conversions between various mathematical formalisms
  o mathematical document compression
  o processing of scanned images
  o algorithms for crosslinking of bibliographical items, 
    intext citations search
  o mathematical document classification, MSC 2010
  o mathematical text mining
  o mathematical documents metadata exchange via OAI-PMH and/or OAI-ORE
  o long term archiving, data migration
  o reports and experience from math digitization projects
  o math publishing with long term archival goal
  o software engineering aspects of creating, handling MathML, 
    OMDoc, OpenMath documents, and displaying them in web browsers

Programme Committee (some members approval pending):
  Jose Borbinha (Technical University of Lisbon, IST, PT)
  Thierry Bouche (University Grenoble, Cellule Mathdoc, FR)
  Michael Doob (University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, CA)
  Thomas Fischer (Goettingen University, Digitization Center, DE)
  Yannis Haralambous (Telecom Bretagne, FR)
  Vaclav Hlavac (Czech Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Prague, CZ)
  Janka Chlebikova (Comenius University, MFF, Bratislava, SK)
  Enrique Macias-Virgos (University of Santiago de Compostella, ES)
  Jiri Rakosnik (Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, Prague, CZ)
  Eugenio Rocha (University of Aveiro, Dept. of Mathematics, PT)
  David Ruddy (Cornell University, Library, US) 
  Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham, UK)
  Petr Sojka (Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, CZ) [chair]
  Masakazu Suzuki (Kyushu University, Faculty of Mathematics, JP)
  Bernd Wegner (Springer/Zentralblatt MATH, Berlin, DE)

Organizing Committee:
  Michael Doob, Adam Rambousek, Michal Ruzicka, Petr Sojka

Registration, Travel, Accomodation: see CICM web pages

Questions/inquiries: email to dml2009 at easychair dot org

CFP distribution:
Please, distribute at your institution. Apologies for multiple postings!
This is not SPAM. If you want to be removed from this list,
please tell us at the email above.

Received on Monday, 27 April 2009 04:00:33 UTC