- From: Bill Corwin <billc@issi1.com>
- Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 13:20:19 -0500
- To: <www-svg@e3.org>
- Cc: <www-math@w3.org>
<title> Bezier curve with annotation in transparent layer over TeX even in MSIE 6 </title> cc: wjagray.co.uk/maths/ ICT writing mathematics http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-XHTMLplusMathMLplusSVG-20020809/ http://moodle.org/user/view.php?id=14875&course=5 Mauno Korpelainen http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=130 61993 62002 99167 inkscape http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1253 http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewforum.php?f=29&sid=79277e85b422c41e0b0844040e6052b3 http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewforum.php?f=6&sid-79277e85b422c41e0b0844040e6052b3 dean.edwards.name/contact/ http://groups.google.com/group/ie7-ja http://www.adaptive-enterprises.com.au/~d/software/see/ Jennifer Kyrnin webdesign.guide@about.com http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningtutorials/a/aabg101399a.htm spacing David Siegel http://webdesign.about.com/library/graphics/spacer.gif space_8-trans.png juanrgonzaleza whatwg.org www.quirksmode.org/contact.html http://www.css-discuss.org/ osdir.com/ml/web.mathematics/2008-07/msg00001.html osdir.com/ml/web.mathematics/2006-02/msg00021.html www.codingforums.com/newreply.php?do=nrwreply&noquote=1&p=300998 www.javascriptkit.com/jsref/ www.javascriptkit.com/script/script2/plugindetect.shtml It is possible to layer a .png made from an .svg with Inkscape, without any editing, other than adjusting the number of pixels in the exported bitmap, over another similar .png and over MathML and jipsen TeX as shown in examples and sphere_1.xml and locals.html However, the .svg produced by jipsen ASCIIsvg.js plotting JavaScript will layer over and obscure the MathML and TeX, as in sphere.xml. It is possible to use segments of cubic Bezier curves with the control http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG/paths.html#PathDataCubicBezierCommands points used to match the slope of the adjacent segment and the curve, making the jipsen ASCIIsvg.js plot circumventable, although with a lot more work. Labels at any angle and equations then can be applied to the plot. Any diagram or plot that I can think of can therefore be rendered, albeit somewhat awkwardly at times. The plugins, scripts, tools and that are needed to accomplish this are http://www.dessci.com/en/dl/MathPlayerSetup.asp www.w3.org/Math/XSL/ pmathml.xsl (mathml.xsl ctop.xsl pmathmlcss.xsl) http://download.adobe.com/pub/adobe/magic/svgviewer/win/3.x/3.03/en/SVGView.exe http://math.chapman.edu/~jipsen/mathml/asciimath.html : ASCIIsvg.js ASCIIMathML.js d.svg (www.brothercake.com/site/resources/scripts/svgir/ http://ie7-ja.googlecode.com/svn/test/ie7-demo.js required to make .png from non opaque .svg readable by IE 6 http://downloads.sourceforge.net/inkscape/Inkscape-0.45.1-11.win32.exe or .7z It appears that, as far as I can tell, that .png cannot layer over .svg in the predominant browser in use today, MS Internet Explorer. My friend, Chris Hartung, tells me it would violate the Pauli exclusion principle and Heisenberg uncertainty principle; however, he talks authoritatively at length about things that he does not have a complete understanding. In conclusion, TeX and MathML can coexist under a transparent .png layer, but will be obscured by any .svg layer. Also, the SHOW/HIDE and UPDATE buttons and associated window appear unwanted when the src="ASCIIsvg.js" script is used with a transparent .png . Tex, MathML, .svg and .png can coexist in a document without layers, but for legends at an angle and TeX or MathML equations in a .svg or jipsen ASCIIsvg.js plot, it appears the now predominate browser cannot perform. Some combinations will work and others will not; when the Tex or MathML equations are put in a table with a transparent graphical .png layer over it the expression will be rendered properly with TeX and ..svg in the table or with MathML and .png but may not Tex with .png or MathML with .svg . Perhaps even now combinations can be found that will be more useful. The tools used to take up space to control the location of something are indirect at the present. http://www.quirksmode.org/css/whitespace.html http://webdesign.about.com/od/beginningtutorials/a/aabg101399a.htm David Siegel has a one pixel transparent .gif http://webdesign.about.com/library/graphics/spacer.gif I have an 80x80 transparent .png with miniscule specks in the corner: t_8-trans.png and space_8-trans.png . <br>, are not supported in .xml Presumably more advanced browsers will be developed to handle all useful combinations. Another option would be to use http://www.adaptive-enterprises.com.au/~d/software/see/ to execute the Jipsen JavaScript and intercept the .svg before the browser gets it, and then editing more things into it and converting it to a non-opaque .png; however, .see. may not yet be capable of this function. Other browsers and newer versions will undoubtedly include the capabilities that are provided now by third parties but for now the majority of browsers and be made to render technical literature without and bit maps, proprietary or captive formats, or monopolistic control of single sources with recurring license fees, with much less that a gigabyte of software as with the process which is now in the Inkscape menu. http://www.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/ReleaseNotes044#Extension_effects I have a plugin detection page at http://www.issi1.com/corwin/sniffers/detect_plugin. ml , links to examples at MenuSVG.html and MenuMathML.html , and this page at combine.html
Received on Saturday, 4 October 2008 14:24:57 UTC