Re: Supporting MathML and SVG in text/html, and related topics

Le 16 avr. 08 à 12:46, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :
> The HTML DOM and XML DOM have a small number of differences  
> described in 
> multipage/section-apis-in.html#apis-in that have been created at  
> the time the initial set of DOM specifications came to be. Web  
> pages rely on those differences and there's not much we can do  
> about that.
> Essentially the DOM is the same. It's just that some getters and  
> setters have slight variations in code paths based on whether it's  
> an HTML or XML document.

That really doesn't seem to justify to mix HTML5 model and parsing!

Especially if you consider the amount of pages that expect the case  
corrections to be not made (considerably more neglectable than the  
amount of XHTML URLs out there!).

I guess it would be acceptable to say that a DOM revision for this  
accepts case-insensitivity.

>> You seem to be speaking of XHTML5 DOM... maybe I have missed
>> something in the mail torrent about that. I was talking XHTML3 vs  
>> HTML5.
> What is XHTML3?

My suggestion. It seems to be XHTML5 now, which is fine to the peace  
of now.

> (XHTML5 is the XML serialization of the HTML 5 language. HTML5 is  
> the HTML serialization of HTML 5.)

That's all there should be about it: converting HTML5 to XHTML5.

> The HTML5 DOM is compatible with existing implementations and more  
> or less identical to the HTML4 DOM for what's being considered here.

>> The question remains: can't all the enhancements to HTML model done
>> by HTML5 be done within an XML model decoupled from parsing?
> This is already done,

That tastes like good news.
I really insist it would be nice to separate the specs!

> but to get MathML or SVG into the HTML serialization of HTML 5 you  
> need to change the parser. Otherwise you can't utilize the deployed  
> HTML infrastructure that most of the Web is based on.

yes, I understand that for sure, and I also understand that this  
involves refining the parser by appropriate heuristics.


Received on Wednesday, 16 April 2008 12:06:17 UTC