Re: several messages about New Vocabularies in text/html

On Apr 6, 2008, at 5:10 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
> In HTML5, we changed the mappings for ⟨ and ⟩. The legacy
> mappings of these two characters are to characters that are defined as
> canonically equivalent to CJK wide characters. The new mappings are:
> lang  U+027E8
> rang  U+027E9

   What is the rationale for this? I can understand changing mapping  
for ⟨ from U+2329 to U+3008, because it's the new code point for  
the same character (and that's what we did in WebKit), but changing it  
to an entirely different character seems weird, and bad for  

   Besides, font support for U+027E8 MATHEMATICAL LEFT ANGLE BRACKET  
seems to be rather poor at the moment - on my machine, there is only  
one font that has it.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

Received on Monday, 7 April 2008 10:37:33 UTC