RE: Contradiction about attributes on mglyph

Hi Dave,

Tough question, but I believe is in error and 3.2.2 is correct.  

The DTD only allows "alt", "fontfamily" and "index" which seems a little dubious to me as well, since I think is should probably also allow the MathML common ones as well (e.g. id, xref, other, etc.) But at any rate it argues against allowing (mathvariant, mathsize, mathcolor, and mathbackground).

In MathML 3, we are thinking of allowing mglyph to load an image as well, since in practice, that is much more practical for most situations than trying to pull a glyph out of a font with a non-standard encoding.  Provided we do that, then I think is is fairly clear that the mathvariant, etc attributes would make no sense.

I think there has been very little implementation of mglyph, so there isn't a clear answer to be found there.


Dr. Robert Miner
Vice President, Research and Development
Design Science, Inc.
140 Pine Avenue, 4th Floor
Long Beach, California 90802
Main:   (562) 432-2920
Direct: (651) 223-2883
Fax:    (651) 292-0014

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of L. David Baron
Sent: Thu 11/29/2007 5:37 PM
Subject: Contradiction about attributes on mglyph

  mglyph elements accept the attributes listed in Section 3.2.2
  Mathematics style attributes common to token elements, and the
  additional attributes listed here.

However, if you follow the link to section 3.2.2:
it says:

  These attributes are valid on all presentation token elements
  except mspace and mglyph, and on no other elements except mstyle.

Are these attributes (mathvariant, mathsize, mathcolor, and
mathbackground) valid on mglyph or not?


L. David Baron                       
Mozilla Corporation             

Received on Friday, 30 November 2007 03:13:56 UTC