Re: How to handle a where-list in MathML

I agree with Robert that csymbol is probably better than ci but that
otherwise that's a good encoding.

An alternative viewpoint that I picked up in a previous life working in
formal systems that essentially viewed everything as a lambda expression
is that 
   2*a+3*a^2+b+b^2 WHERE a=5+c*2, b=17-d
is syntactic sugar for
  (lamda a b. 2*a+3*a^2+b+b^2)(5+c*2, 17-d)

that is first create the anonymous function of two variables
representing the bound variables in your expression, then apply that
function to the two  expressions which hold the definitions of the bound

This could be encoded directly in mathml as

<!-- mathml for 2*a+3*a^2+b+b^2 -->
<!-- mathml for 5+c*2-->
<!-- mathml for 17-d-->

This has the advantage of being coded in core mathml without needing any
csymbol defined operators, it has the possible disadvantages of being
possibly harder to read by humans, and possibly more likely to be
automatically "expanded out" by a system consuming the expression, just
might not be the best encoding of the concept 1+1 if you want it to
survive importing it into a CA system and not have it be seen as 2.


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