Evolution of Mathematical Communication Workshop Announcement


	   The Evolution of Mathematical Communication 
	       in the Age of Digital Libraries 


		         Dec 8-9, 2006 
	 Institute for Mathematics and its Applications 
		     Minneapolis, Minnesota


Over the past two decades, mathematical communication has evolved
rapidly from predominantly paper-based to electronic means for
creating and sharing documents.  Large electronic collections of
scientific, technical, engineering and mathematics (STEM) materials
now abound, including a large corpus of digitized and electronic
scholarly journals, encylopedias, blogs, databases of assessments and
problems, and e-books in accessible formats for those with visual or
learning disabilities. 

The increasing importance of electronic collections has shifted
attention to the issues surrounding their management and utilization,
with the ultimate goal of knitting them together into thriving Digital
Libraries.  This conference seeks to highlight early successes,
showcase promising research, and identify important problems to be
overcome for mathematical communication in the age of digital


- Efficient searching and clustering of math and science content
- Math accessibility, multilingual presentation, translation of
  notational preferences, etc.
- Support for mathematics in wikis, blogs, personal annotation
  systems, recommender systems and other social networks
- Analysis and management of large STEM collections, document
  matching, plagiarism detection, etc.
- Metadata extraction and semantic analysis, crosswalking, universal
  metadata formats, etc.
- Document validation, symbolic computation, automated assertion
  checking, etc.
- Online mathematics assessment, answer checking, intelligent feedback 
- Novel applications of mathematical analysis and algorithms to
  digital libraries, and novel applications of communication
  technologies to math and science content.


 Dr. T.V. Raman      Google, Inc.
 Dr. Andrew Odlyzko  UM Digital Technology Center


If you are interested in speaking on work closely related to the
workshop themes, please contact mathcomm@ima.umn.edu, or any of the
conference organizers.  Talks should be approximately 30 minutes in
length, and the deadline for submitting an abstract is June 30, 2006.


Participation in IMA programs is by invitation. To request an
invitation, please visit http://www.ima.umn.edu/docs/application.htm.

There is some limited funding is available to defray participant travel
and living expenses during the workshop.  If you require funding to
attend, please notify us no later than May 30, 2006 by sending email to
mathcomm@ima.umn.edu and we will see what we can do.  Participants
requesting funding will be notified by June 30, 2006 as to the level of
reimbursement available (which will depend on the number of requests
received).  Because funding is limited, we encourage commercial
participants and researchers with other funding applicable funding
sources to consider paying their own expenses.

The IMA is located on the Minneapolis campus of the University of
Minnesota.  Since its founding in 1982 as the result of a national
competition, the IMA (http://ima.umn.edu) has been a major national
institute with the mission of fostering research of a truly
interdisciplinary nature and establishing links between mathematics of
the highest caliber and important scientific and technological
problems from other disciplines and industry.  The IMA receives most
of its funding from the National Science Foundation.  


       Robert Miner, Design Science, Inc.
       Robby Robson, Eduworks Corp
       Patrick Ion,  Mathematical Reviews, 
       Thomas Fischer, State and University Library of Goettigen
       Stephen Watt, University of Western Ontario 
       Lawrence Moore of Duke University.  

Received on Tuesday, 23 May 2006 03:02:43 UTC