Re: Mathematical selection

Bill, can you detail how different such a configuration file would be 
from a complete parser to content ? (say, as a CAS-parser, or as QMath) ?

I believe there's none except that parsers to content need to be 
complete. Do I mistake ?



W Naylor wrote:
> Your point is perfectly valid, if you look at my earlier mail, I say:
> "In order for the machine generated MathML to include mrows at the 
> appropriate places, it would be necessary to pay attention to precedence  rules. It strikes me that though many of these are fairly universal, we  hit the usual ambiguity of presentation mathematics problem. Maybe this  could be circumvented using configuration files of some sort."
> this was the problem that I was suggesting could be circumvented by using  some sort of configuration files, I am not aware however of any 
> conventions/standards for the format of config files for stating these 
> rules, maybe someone else has some experience here?

Received on Thursday, 30 March 2006 19:16:55 UTC