Re: A couple of questions on presentation mathml

Many thanks for the considered answer!  As for <mtd>, i'll
assume the DTD is right for now.  I didn't know images and maths
can already be mixed using mozilla - but it might be a bit
dangerous to use that "feature"...

One other curiosity I just found while snooping round the 
MathML2.0 DTDs at is the following in
 <mathml2.0-dtd directory>/mathml/mmlextra.ent :

<!ENTITY planckh          "&#x0210E;" ><!--the ring (skew field) of 
quaternions -->

I think it is just the comment that has gone astray here, but possibly
worth a check in case something else was intended.


On Monday 27 March 2006 15:46, David Carlisle wrote:
> >
> [deleted]

Received on Monday, 27 March 2006 15:43:19 UTC