FrameMaker > MathML

Hello all,

I'm migrating FrameMaker documents to DITA/XML and am trying to migrate 
the inline FM equations to MathML. The equations can be extracted from 
FM (actually .MIF) in a very well-documented structured ASCII format 
called MathFullForm. I can't find any off-the-shelf or free tools to do 
the transform. Writing it in PERL or XSLT would be far from trivial, in 
my view.

I have the version of FM which can export to XML, but unfortunately it 
renders the equations as raster images! :-(

I even found some students who built a FrameMaker plugin to do the 
seems too good to be true, and I can't get it to work...

I'd be most grateful if anyone else who has been down this road could 
give me a few clues ...

John Cornellier
Documentation Manager
Schlumberger Abingdon Technology Centre

Received on Monday, 13 March 2006 21:37:49 UTC