- From: <juanrgonzaleza@canonicalscience.com>
- Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 03:17:07 -0700 (PDT)
- To: <www-math@w3.org>
I have updated a post on Canonical Science Today with screenshoots of mathematical formulae rendered with a Firefox 1.0 browser without the special fonts over Windows XP. [http://canonicalscience.blogspot.com/2006/07/rendering-mathematics-in-html-via-css.html] I believe that the experiment proves that CSS rendering can be so good as native presentational MathML 2.0 but without the limitations asociated to the latter; see further comments about web, structure, and first class rendering on the above source. The experiment works with XML, XHTML, and HTML. It also will work in future HTML5 and XHTML 2.0. In theory, i could copy duplicate CSS formulae in XSL-FO markup for printing. I suspect that printing quality would be better than using MathML in the printing engine but i have _not_ verified this point. Of course there are some limitations for a CSS rendering (also in the MathML side), but limitations are due to i) current CSS specification ii) browsers support. This will change in a near future. In fact, i wait that presentation MathML was of none utility in some few years (and completely forgotten), since rendering thecniques based in CSS, SVG, or similar are infinitely more powerful than a mathematical presentational markup. For instance, via a full CSS or SVG (or even XSL-FO) approach we could draw geometry, chemical reactions, biogeochemical cycles, Feynman diagrams, etc. Chemical Markup language already uses SVG for rendering of chemical objects. Could we use CSS for rendering chemistry? All of above mathematical-scientific stuff cannot be rendered via presentation MathML doing prefered the more general approach. Simply compare the number of browsers supporting SVG and supporting MathML and you can obtain an idea i am saying -MathML is younger but rejected by browsers developers-. There is a number of ways to improve CSS rendering, for instance using SVG (maybe canvas?) content, GIFs (i disacourage this method but is used in jsMath approach) and future CSS graphics improvements. Of course, more complex formulae could be also rendered with CSS. For example nested fractions are not limited to 2 levels. I have limited the complexity of formulae simply because i am very busy those days. In future postings, I will present examples of formulae are correctly rendered with CSS thecnique but fail with MathML native browser and, also, examples of MathML formulae (extracted from real world: blogs, academic journals, databases) that in theory would be correctly rendered but in practice -due to limitations on current implementations and tools- are best rendered via CSS. The source code (MathML and HTML+CSS) generating the screenshoots will be posted after finished the experiment. Juan R. Center for CANONICAL |SCIENCE)
Received on Tuesday, 4 July 2006 10:17:17 UTC