*.xhtml filenames, mimetypes and and mathML problem

Dear all

I have been recently writing up lecture notes etc from the mathematics
course I am currently running using (presentation-)MathML rather than 
TeX, pdf etc.  I'm very keen to support web standards and the good
work the W3C do, and the availability of decent MathML browsers at last
seems to make it a real possibility for my students.

My efforts are all at http://mat140.bham.ac.uk/~richard/MSM1Bb/ and
I'd be glad for any feedback, though that isn't the subject of this email.

My main "home" page at http://mat140.bham.ac.uk/~richard/MSM1Bb/index.html
is ordinary html (no maths!) and served as mime type "text/html" by my server.
Mozilla (and firefox, etc) seems to refuse to display the web pages with maths
in them if I name them as *.html, but the workaround I found is to
name them *.xhtml and serve them as "application/xhtml+xml".  You're
welcome to take a look.

BUT (and this is the problem) it seems that my home page at
is indexed at google, but none of the others are.  I presume this is something
to do with the mime type and/or filename I am using.  I must admit to being
rather upset by this as the whole point of using XHTML and MathML is to 
make the pages *easier* to index and search rather than harder! 

Please: what can I do about it and still have the pages viewable in 
mozilla etc?

Please reply to me directly or via this list.

Many thanks

Richard Kaye

Received on Thursday, 23 February 2006 12:48:15 UTC