Re: Profiling and certificates for MathML. Avoiding imitators

> > But I was speaking about presentation markup.
> Well, i also. Justaposition for denoting times is popular for visual
> rendering,  and handwritting maths.
> In a visual representation, you just copy tokens and the times is mainly
> redundant. But it is not for aural rendering. "4 times pi" is standard in
> spoken mathematics. [4 * pi] is better than [4 pi].
> Also the invisible times can be useful for automatic linebreaking.

It is useful. The question is how this information is supposed to be extracted from input if it is not there or if average user that uses WYSIWYG tools does not care about it? I would prefer to have general but correct information instead of precisely specified but potentially incorrect one.

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Received on Friday, 22 December 2006 10:57:26 UTC