Choosing namespaces syntax for MathML

This is generic for any XML, but i think that question of readability of
namespaces is vital in languages with a higher ratio markup/content as
MathML is.

MathML with prefix namespaces


the same with postfix


whereas XML cannot be changed in this way, I am open to offer both a
prefix or a postfix notation in a CanonML module used as input syntax for

    [MML:CI a]
      [MML:CI b]
      [MML:CI c]


    [CI:MML a]
      [CI:MML b]
      [CI:MML c]

IMO the problem of readability of the XML default prefix form is that the
beggining of tags looks equal and you need to read first 2-4 tokens before
noticing differences between tags somewhat as


is more difficult than


What is your opinion prefix or postfix?

Received on Wednesday, 13 December 2006 10:13:47 UTC