Re: Subscripts in Content MathML

Le 6 oct. 05, à 15:43, David Carlisle a écrit :

> bind the whole vector at once. The need to use a special purpose
> stylesheet is less of an issue in openmath as openmath has no default 
> presentation form so you always need _some_ stylesheet.

and we're working exactly such a stylesheet.

>> True, the problem of the ellipsis did cause some problems for a short 
>> time. What we decided to do was use <csymbol>...</symbol> as our 
>> ellipsis, and to declare a definitionURL which points to an as-yet 
>> undecided address.

We also did it but that's definitely not a long-term solution.Or?

> on elipses I think it's best to have an encoding of
>> sin[x] = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! + ... + x^n/n!
> as sin[x] = sum{i=0}^{n} {(-1)^i x^{2i+1)/(2i+1)!}
> and leave it to the presentation stylesheet to display using ... and 
> inline + rather than \sum symbol if that is the presentation choice.

Actually you've provided a very good illustration of one of the heavier 
challenges of current renderers... and we need this, I believe, at 
least at some point.

>> The engine has left the <csymbol>...</csymbol> alone, as it knows 
>> that the derivative of <csymbol>...</csymbol> is most likely still 
>> another <csymbol>...</csymbol> (it ignores the case where it *might* 
>> be 0).

Charles, that's one of the best jokes I've ever heard!!
I fear it's needed too often nowadays!


Received on Thursday, 6 October 2005 14:40:14 UTC