Re: MathML Markup for Synthetic Division and cis function

At 06:15 PM 11/14/05, David Carlisle wrote:

Thanks for your comments. Please see our reply below.

> > Please let us know if there any
> > possiblility to draw a line on any side of a Math Table without using
> > attribute frame="solid".
>I'm not sure what you mean, if you just one a line on one side, perhaps
>the simplest is to suppround the table with <menclose notation="right">...
We meant only to draw a line on the left and the bottom sides of the 
table. Please let me know if anything is unclear

>Or alternatively use columnlines to specify a rule and then have an
>extra "empty" column after the rule.

This option leads to small length of line crossing each other. Hence 
this method is not much helpful in proceeding further.

>(Perhaps mtable frame ought to be
>extended to allow direct specification of partial frames, although I
>think that that would be equivalent to using menclose, if slightly less
We checked extended specification. Could you please send us the 
details on specifications for partial frames.


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Received on Monday, 14 November 2005 13:41:02 UTC