Re: MathML Markup for Synthetic Division and cis function

Your attachment appeared to be in some binary format for a program
that I don't have, I found some program that could read it, but I'm not
sure if it appeared quite as you intended (especially the
second one,which had some strange grey areas)

I think the mathml below gets close to the first table that you showed,
although the corner of the two rules isn't quite right. I think possibly
the second form is a combination of using just the normal symbol /
together with underlining (for which you would use the munder element.
But as I say, I'm not sure if I really saw what you intended in this


<math xmlns="">
<mtable columnalign="right" columnlines="solid none" rowlines="none
solid none">
    <mtd rowspan="3"><mn>3</mn></mtd>
    <mtd columnspan="2"><mn>3</mn></mtd>

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Received on Saturday, 12 November 2005 23:22:45 UTC