Re: inclusion of input elements in MathML

Le 24 mai 05, à 18:31, Manolis Mavrikis a écrit :
>> Thanks for your suggestion.  I have long thought that at a minimum,
>> <maction> could easily be extended to allow input.  There might be a
>> better solution, but that would be an easy way to implement
>> something.
>    deciding on a common approach -even extending maction- would be 
> great.

As a little hint, tiny experience here shows that such elements would 
need to be integrated with web-forms in the container language (if any) 
as otherwise a communication à la DOM is needed (and that's fragile and 
often unavailable).

I am not sure it is possible in full generality with XForms around, is 
there any XForms guru around ?

At least it should be possible with XHTML forms and this element should 
be, in ideal situations, submitted as a parameter as well.


Received on Tuesday, 24 May 2005 20:41:55 UTC