RE: newbie MathML question


Problems like this are usually due to your XHTML page being served by your
web server with the wrong content (MIME) type. Using this handy website
( to examine the HTTP headers of your page,
you can see the Content-Type being returned as text/html.

We recommend that you contact your server administrator and get him/her to
change the MIME type for .xhtml documents to "application/xhtml+xml". See for
other info on setting up web servers.


Design Science, Inc.
Makers of MathPlayer

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Justin Garofoli [] 
> Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2004 5:58 PM
> To:
> Subject: newbie MathML question
> Hello,
> I've been struggling with this all day:
> Other peoples' xhtml pages with mathml render fine.  Mine 
> only render right when they are on the local machine.  As 
> soon as I post them to my web server and try to look at them, 
> they no longer render correctly.  
> I'm using netscape7.0 and netscape7.2, both seem to behave 
> the same.  IE does this also.  Is this a problem with my web 
> server or my documents or any of the local machines I am 
> using?  Please see
> for an example of what I am trying to do (nothing complicated really).
> Thanks a million,
> J.
> --
> Justin Garofoli -- LIGO Project

Received on Thursday, 14 October 2004 02:51:58 UTC