Typos in MathML DOM Java Bindings


There are a few typos in the MathML DOM Java bindings, which mean that
they can not be compiled. They appear in both the zip download and the
specification. I list them out below and have attached an updated
version of the zip file which has the my corrections incorporated. 

problem: missing return type
was: public      deleteRow(int index) throws DOMException;
now: public void deleteRow(int index) throws DOMException;

problem: missing return type
was: public      deleteComponent(int index) throws DOMException;
now: public void deleteComponent(int index) throws DOMException;

problem: missing return type
was: public      deleteEntry(int index) throws DOMException;
now: public void deleteEntry(int index) throws DOMException;

problem: case is a keyword of Java
was: public MathMLCaseElement setCase(int index, MathMLCaseElement case)
throws DOMException;
now: public MathMLCaseElement setCase(int index, MathMLCaseElement
newCase) throws DOMException;



Received on Wednesday, 18 February 2004 13:54:52 UTC