MathML in CSS

Hi all;
   If you remember, way back when,
we started discussing what would be needed in CSS to support MathML.
I've done some further exploration, attempting to cover as much
as possible using CSS2.1, see how much further the proposals in CSS3
would bring us, and finally, to make modest proposals that would
cover the most important of the rest.

you'll find a mapping of the MathML TestSuite that uses CSS for
rendering -- again, this is only using CSS 2.1, and you'll need
a recent browser with good CSS support, such as Opera or Mozilla/Firefox/...

And, you'll find (in addition to an annotated stylesheet
a discussion of needed features for CSS3.  I thought that I
would first seek a sanity check from the community before fleshing
these at as complete, concrete proposals:

Are there essential features that I have overlooked?
Do the CSS proposals look useful?

Thanks in advance

Received on Tuesday, 3 August 2004 15:40:54 UTC