Missing and extra things in the documentation

Hello W3C,

I ask you to check out following things concerning the MathML 2.0

1. Following elements should REMOVE from the Index of Elements in Appendix
L.1 :
function , m:apply , m:row , malign , malignscope , mfraction and piecewice.

2. Following attributes should REMOVE from the Index of Attributes in
Appendix L.2 :
axis , background-color , columnalignment , css-color-name , css-fontfamily
fontslant , h-unit , href , html-color-name , integer , mathfamily ,
mathslant ,
mathweight , monospaced , movablescripts , my:background , my:color ,
namedspace ,
number , s:schemaLocation , schemaLocation and v-unit

3. Followig attributes should ADD to the Index of Attributes in Appendix L.2
altimg , alttext , baseline , mediummathspace , name , thickmathspace ,
thinmathspace , verythickmathspace , verythinmathspace ,
veryverythickmathspace ,
veryverythinmathspace , xlink:type , xmlns:xlink and xmlns:xsi

4. There is the enetity set "mmlalias" MISSING in the chapter 6.3.7

Best Regards
Seppo Saarela

Received on Friday, 23 April 2004 11:33:03 UTC