empty set symbol in MathML

In the MathML 2.0 spec the entities: ∅ and ∅ are mapped 
to the same unicode number 2205, but these are different symbols in LaTeX.

empty,                     U02205, /emptyset - zero, slash, [EMPTY SET]
emptyv,                    U02205, /varnothing - circle, slash, [EMPTY SET]

Rendering in LaTEX:
  /emptyset  =  zero, slash,
  /varnothing  = circle, slash

MathPlayer 2.0 renders U02205 (empty and emptyv) as slahed circle, while Mozilla renders U02205  as slahed zero.

Is the entity ∅ mapped to the wrong unicode? 


Received on Saturday, 3 April 2004 20:35:01 UTC