Comments on changes to Appendix C

Alright -- here's my final installment of comments on proposed changes 
(or in a few cases, missed changes) for the second edition of MathML 
2.0, this time on Appendix C.

Appendix C doesn't discuss the interval ambiguity at all, so that that 
part of my original posts for the last call remains re-opened, as 
mentioned in my post on Chapter 4.

Other than that, this appendix looks very good now, with just a few odds 
and ends left to round out this complex set of updates (see below).  
Excellent job!

I hope this still leaves enough time to work on these issues before 
finalizing the second edition.  Unfortunately, I was a bit too busy on 
other urgent matters earlier.

 -- Andreas


> C.2.2.4 MMLdefinition: interval

includes new example (#3) of a deprecated feature (interval with bvar), 
despite a comment earlier on saying that no examples of deprecated 
features are going to be given.

> C.2.2.9 MMLdefinition: lambda

> Description ... \lambda x [F]


> to a the bound variable

"a the"?

>  ForAll( y, Exists(x,y =f(x)), member(y,codomain(f)) )

I don't understand the second comma in the ForAll.  Shouldn't that be an 

> C.2.3.3 MMLdefinition: divide

>  Property Division by Zero error

There are fewer </apply> than <apply>in this example.  Perhaps you 
shouldn't have struck the </apply>, just added the <apply>.

> C.2.3.18 MMLdefinition: forall

> Description

This doesn't describe the newly allowed version of forall without a bvar 

> C.2.3.19 MMLdefinition: exists

> Description

The description assumes only one bvar, but the signature allows more.  A 
corrected version of the description of forall would be better, as I 
pointed out before.


This is missing one of the signatures of forall, (exists and forall 
should have identical ones). (\exists_\primes  even)  works just as well as 
(\forall_\naturals non-negative).

>C.2.4.1 MMLdefinition: eq


You may want to copy the new sentence on the use of bvar and domainofapp 
from one of the n-ary functions to this one.

(same for leq..., equivalent)

>(set,set+) -> set
>(multiset,multiset+) -> multiset

shouldn't these be -> boolean?  (I thought I had posted this one 
before.)  Same for neq.

> C.2.4.8 MMLdefinition: approx

>  (bvar+,domainofapp,boolean) ->boolean

This should be something like    (bvar+,domainofapp,anything) -> boolean

> C.2.6.2 MMLdefinition: |list|

> [order=ordering](bvar*,domainofapp,anything) -> list(ordering)
This was probably meant to be  "bvar+".

> C.2.6.4 MMLdefinition: |intersect|

>the intersection of  <strike>two</strike> sets. If the two sets

You forgot to strike the second occurrence of "two", too.

> C.2.6.13 MMLdefinition: |cartesianproduct|

This should have the following signatures too (copied from union):

(domainofapp, set_valued_function) -> set

(bvar+,domainofapp,set_valued_expression) -> set

(domainofapp, multiset_valued_function) -> multiset

(bvar+,domainofapp,multiset_valued_expression) -> multiset

Received on Wednesday, 17 September 2003 11:04:37 UTC