How to render <mo>*</mo>


I am a developer of the GNU TeXmacs project, an interactive
typesetting system (not based on TeX) featuring high quality
mathematic typesetting. We are currently working on MathML conversion

What is right way to render <mo>*</mo>?

The problem is that ASCII asterisk is not really a mathematical
character. I believe that we should use the <ast> symbol (unicode
centered asterisk operator), while other people believe that we should
import it as "&InvisibleTimes;".

In our internal encoding (basically Cork plus an universal symbol
scheme) we use the ASCII "*" character to encode invisible
multiplication, so importing "*" without conversion is not a
no-brainer option.

We use TeX fonts to render mathematical expressions.

Thanks for you help.

                                                            -- DDAA

Received on Monday, 5 May 2003 11:04:54 UTC