RE: Last Call Working Draft of MathML 2.0, 2nd edition published

In a recent discussion with publishing colleagues the following question
came up: What is the meaning of 

<mi mathvariant="bold">&#x1D538;</mi>

Is it at all allowed? If the answer is clear, then maybe the explanation in
the spec should be expanded to include it. Or is it not possible to give a
definite answer in the current version of MathML?

With kind regards,
Simon Pepping
DTD Development and Maintenance

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Max Froumentin []
> Sent: 11 April 2003 17:33
> To:
> Subject: Last Call Working Draft of MathML 2.0, 2nd edition published
> The WG is happy to announce the publication of MathML 2.0, 2nd edition
> as a W3C Last Call Working Draft. The document is available as
> - HTML:
> - HTML with colour-coded markup showing the differences from the first
>   edition: 
> - XHTML+MathML for viewing with a MathML enabled browser:
> During the Last Call period, which ends on 9 May 2003, interested
> parties are invited to send comments, which the Working Group has to
> formally address before the specification moves to Proposed
> Recommendation.
> Please send comments to
> Max Froumentin
> for the WG Math WG

Received on Monday, 5 May 2003 09:59:13 UTC