RE: Render MathML in IE with .asp/.htm file extension

I believe ASP code can mess with anything in the HTTP headers including the
MIME type. If I recall correctly, ASP code can change the MIME type by
assigning to a specially named pseudo variable.

Also, I believe you can set IIS's extension-to-MIME-type mapping on a
directory-by-directory basis.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shutter, Simon B WLAP:EX [] 
> Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 2:17 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: Re: Render MathML in IE with .asp/.htm file extension
> >It shouldn't but it does (or it appears to).
> If you have access to the server configuration you can of 
> course fool it by passing .xml URL's through the ASP xecution 
> so you don't need to use .asp extension.
> Are you suggesting giving the file and xml extension mapping the 
> file to asp in IIS?  Can you map specific files?
> Tx, Simon

Received on Monday, 27 January 2003 17:37:32 UTC