Re: menclose


> I suppose my question really was what were top and bottom for. But now that
> I'm remembering about corners, I'm guessing they are to be used in
> combinations with left and right to make corners?

Right.  Listing the sides instead of the corners takes the same number
of keywords, and is a little more flexible, that's all.

> And, I may regret bringing this up, but how would I use verticalstrike to
> help represent "crossing out", say, the first column and first row of a 3 x
> 3 matrix, to indicate the 2 x 2 matrix that is left in determinant or
> pivot-type subcalculation? Or is that not the sort of thing it's intended
> for? (I'm just having trouble seeing how to apply verticalstrike at all to
> anything more than a single character -- it seems to be at odds with the
> row-oriented markup for tables, which are the primary mechanism for
> vertical stacking.)

Sigh.  I see no good way to strike out rows or columns.  I presume you
are asking, since you have to deal with that somehow?


Dr. Robert Miner                      
MathML 2.0 Specification Co-editor                    651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

Received on Thursday, 21 August 2003 22:02:09 UTC