Re: MathML DOM irregularity - set/getDomainOfApplication

Hi, Mark,

(Again, apologies for the long delay in responding. Did finally see the
message, and this has been dealt with in the update errata and corrected DOM

You wrote:
>I would like to point out another irregularity in the MathML DOM.
get/setDomainOfApplication is declared in MathMLContentContainer and >the
subinterface MathMLApplyElement. Which is it meant to be? I would have
though in MathMLApplyElement, since
><domainofapplication> is usually a child of <apply> (and
<domainofapplication> uses the MathMLContentContainer interface). 
This was an unfortunate oversight. It should appear only on the superclass
(MathMLContentContainer), but apparently wasn't removed from
MathMLApplyElement when it was added to the other.


Received on Thursday, 23 May 2002 20:54:56 UTC